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General Rules

In the aim of the school administration and management to give students a large measure of internal freedom as much as possible so that they will not feel intimidated suppressed or oppressed. But the school not entertain practices any unacceptable behavior and bad practices.

The school’s rules and regulations are intended to encourage students to cultivate good habits, good behavior, respect and obedience to authority.

The following form part of the school’s rules and must therefore be strictly adhered to by every student of the school. Any student who violates any of the rules of the school will be severely dealt with by the school authorities.

  • Students must always wear the prescribed uniform to class. No multi-colouredattire is permitted.
  • Students should always tuck in their shirts. Sleeves are not to be rolled up. Sleeveless tops andT-shirts are not allowed.
  • Every student is to dress decently and properly. Improper dressing is strictly not allowed.
  • Dresses and attires exposing parts of the body which are supposed to be covered are strictly not allowed.
  • Boys should put on decent pairs of trousers and not jeans trousers
  • Girls aretoput on decent black long sldrtwith simplewhlte shirt. Sleeveless tops andT-shirts are not allowed
  • Bathroom sandals or slippers as well as noise making shoes are not allowed (eg)Caps, hats, scarves and dark glasses are not allowed in the school.
  • Boys are not allowed to wear earrings and girls are not permitted to wear very long earrings or more than one pair of earrings at a time.
  • Wearing of rings, chains, necklaces and bracelets by students are not permitted in the school. Punishment includes confiscation ofdresses,footwear and articles.
  • Students are not allowed to wear beard or grow sideburns or have any funny haircuts or any artificial hair attachment and coloured hair.
  • Girls are not allowed to wear make up to class.They are not permitted to put any colour on their face or wear artificial nails and eye lashes.

Any student who steals anything belonging to another student or the school will be lashed, handed over to the police and expelled from the school.

Any student, who ptcks upanythtngor takes anything belonging tootherswithout their permission will be treated as a thief. Any missing andfounditem and articles should be senttotheChaplaincyOfflceto be given to their rightfulowners.

Under no circumstance should any student keep anything that does not belong to him or her. Such cases will be treated as theft.


Fighting anywhere in the school is a serious offence subject to sever punishment. Any student who instigates others to fight shall suffer the same punishment as those who were involved in the act. Any student who provokes others by insulting, teasing mocking, scorning or backbiting shall be severely punished .

All grievances should be directed to the office of the chaplain, headmaster or the administrative manager. Any student who beast up a person or encourages such beating shall be liable to dismissal.


Any student who uses abusive words, insults, shouts, argues strongly, issues threats or fights a Prefect in the discharge of his or her duties shall undergo two weeks of suspension.

Any student who shows disrespect to any master, staff member or any person of authority in the school shall undergo a one month suspension.

If an act of insubordination is committed by a group of students or a class, the entire group shall suffer punishment prescribed by the disciplinary committee.


(a) Any student who smokes anything or attempts to smoke anything or is found with any smoking material in the school or its immediate environment will be expelled from the school.

(b) Any student who tries to entice seduce or date other students of the opposite sex will be expelled from the school. Students are to do their best to stay away from any sort of sexual immorality or indecent behaviour.

(c) Any student who engages in any form of gambling in or around the school will be expelled from the school.

(d) Any student who drinks any alcoholic beverage in or around the school or is found in any drinking bar at any point in time during class hours will be expelled from the school no matter how far the bar is from the school.


Good academic work requires quiet surroundings for necessary concentration. During class hours and study periods the silent atmosphere necessary for serious academic work shall be maintained by all students. There should therefore be no disturbance or noise of any form during class periods


All examinations organized and conducted by the school are compulsory for all students. Every student should take all papers in any examination conducted by the school or a master for their class. Failure to take a subject attracts a punishment of one month suspension and failure to take an entire examination attract outright dismissal. Student who continue to dodge examination s and class tests and do not submit class assignments shall be asked to withdraw from the school


(a) Students are not permitted to chew gum, eat toffees, drink or eat anything in the classroom, library, science or compute laboratory.
(b) Students are advised not to stand or step on any table or chair in the school.
(c) No student is allowed to move any school furniture from its original position without permission
(d) Students are not permitted to write or print on the walls or furniture of the school.

Finally, every student is requested In their best interest to always considerseriously the main aims of the coming to the school, nainel to cultivate good manners and good behavior, to work for the development of a healthy mind and body, to learn to discriminat between good and evil and work very hard to acquire the knowledge and skills which added to good behavior, will make each stude a happy, whole and contented person.

It is important to choose friends wisely, as bad friends have always caused ruin and permanent damage to the prospects to otherwise promising students.
Abundant Grace Academy offers students the opportunity for sound academic training as well as good spiritual development.


Students in the Boy’s and Girls’ hostels are to attend classes punctually and regularly. No student should be found in the hostel during classes hours.

Hostel rooms should be locked by 7.55am and the keys submitted by the house prefects to the housemaster or housemistress. Under no circumstance should the hostel doors be opened before 4.00pm. any sick student should not sleep in the hostel, but should report to the housemaster or housemistress for first aid and permission to stay out of class. If any student fails to do so, and is found in the hostel during class hours he/she would be severely punished.


For the spiritual development of the students, the school organizes morning devotion from 4.30am to 5:1Sam every morning and on Sundays church service from 8.00am. These are compulsory for every student in the hostel and optional to day students. Students should attend these religious gatherings regularly and punctually.


Evening studies are compulsory for all students in the hostels. Day students can join by permission. All students are be seated by 7.15pm in their classrooms. Lights and ceiling fans should be put off and locked by 7.10pm and keys submitted to the housemaster or mistress. There shall be intermittent roll calls during the period of prep by the housemaster or mistress.

Student should remain seated in their classrooms throughout the period. Evening studies are strictly private. Consultations and discussions, loitering or walking about would not be tolerated. For preps, students must always wear the prescribed house dress.

The attire for evening studies is plain blue shirt and a pair of decent trousers for boys and a checkered (any colour) for girls. No multicoloured attire is permitted.


Visitors are allowed on weekdaysbetweenthehoursof4.30pm and 6.30pm only. Then on Saturday and Sundays between 2.00pm and 6.00pm.every parents and guardian or visitor should seethe housemaster/mistress before talking to the student he/she is visiting. Visitors coming in at any other periods should see the housemaster/m1stressfor permission. Visitors and day students are not to be entertained in the hostels or classrooms, No visitor shall be allowed to sleep or bath in the hostel. Any student who disobeys this rule shall be severely dealt with.


Any hostel student who wishes to go outside Adabraka should take an exeat before doing so. No hostel student is allowed to stay in town for more than an hour. No hostel student is supposed to stay outside the school compound after 7.00pm. students who break bounds shall be severely punished. Any student found in town during the day or night without an exeat could be expelled from the school.


All student in the hostels are encouraged to keep their beds neat and dress them every morning before leaving for their respective classrooms.

All students in the hostels should help to keep the bathhouses and washrooms clean.

All students who visit the gents or“Iadies”should make sure to deposit the waste paper into the waste paper basket and not on the floor. No one is to squat or stand on the toilet seat. It is meant for sitting on. Ladies are not permitted to drop sanitary pads or Toilet rolls intotheW.C.


Electrical appliances are not permitted to be used in the hostels. Such appliances when used shall be confiscated,(except electric iron)